Non Members must book Courts 11 - 14 when booking online.
Our court hire rates are affordable and accessible to everyone. General court hire rates are as follows: Before 5.30pm - $20 per hour After 5.30pm - $26 per hour. ​We would also like to inform you that new monitoring system has been installed at the facility for the safety of all participants. Thank you for choosing our Tennis Centre.

Court hire terms & Conditions for Tennis at our facility are as follows: Bookings are essential for all participants to ensure court availability. Out of Pro Shop trading hours, court hire is for members only. All participants must check in at Pro Shop (when open) and bathrooms will be unavailable outside Pro Shop hours. COACHING OF ANY KIND BY A NON, NDTA STAFF MEMBER IS NOT PERMITTEDÂ Basket tags are required & can be obtained from the pro shop *Please read our Full Terms & Conditions before booking your court these Regulations are in place for the benifit of all participants. Failure to comply with these terms may result in cancellation of the booking.